19 juin 2014

Oh fuck, Far Cry 4 is gonna suck

Far Cry 4’s narrative director hasn’t played the same Far Cry 3 as I did, evidently. Everything he criticizes from the previous game — the disconnect between sandbox mayhem and the friends you’re supposed to care about, or the white-savior trope — was actually addressed by Jeffrey Yohalem’s writing, in a subtle and understated way. Clearly too subtle and understated for his successor’s taste. There must have been some heated meetings while they produced that game.

Here’s the thing: from what I understand about everything we’ve heard and seen, Far Cry 4’s hero is not a white savior because he’s not white. Whereas Far Cry 3’s lead was not a white savior because he was not a savior, even though he thought he was. Guess which of the two “twists” on the trope I find more interesting.

Far Cry 4’s trailer hadn’t convinced me, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt because I assumed the same team was at the helm. But it’s gonna be another of those self-serious stories with a sociopath or two for added color, isn’t it? See also: Watch Dogs.

Well, at least the mechanics, and visuals, will be good. But this is not an easy preorder for me anymore.

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