5 mar. 2016

Fuck Forza Motorsport, once and for all. I just tried the trick of lowering all gear ratios in order to fool the gamepad-steering algorithm into making my car turn into corners, but of course the car’s too slow now.

I suppose if you want to be competitive in Forza you “just” have to fine-tune the balance, and find the highest gear ratios that will let you handle a hairpin turn without losing too much performance in the straights, but WHY IS THIS A THING I SHOULD HAVE TO DO.

Or, hey, I could buy a $400 wheel and get rid of the problem entirely. But, you know what, Microsoft, you haven’t earned it. And since I can’t buy a steering wheel that would work with both the Xbox One and PS4 (at a reasonable price) I’ll definitely get the one I can use with VR driving games.

And it’s all the more infuriating as I don’t have this issue with Forza Horizon, whose developers must have agreed with me and removed the offending code. So all it would take in Motorsport is a setting to enable Horizon’s steering controls, but Turn 10 has ignored the complaints for years so, you know, like I said — fuck Forza Motorsport.

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