10 juil. 2015

Her Story  

It was hard to maintain my excitement when the game made its biggest reveal after only about fifteen minutes and exactly twelve searches. It seemed like an extremely obvious keyword, too, not like I was typing words at random, yet that made me skip so much filler, so many tiny twists, that I clearly wasn’t supposed to reach this particular video so early in the game.

I guess a concept so interesting and novel is worth it even if 10% of the players get the solution too quickly — but it sucks to be in those 10%. And you could say I am biased but, when you lay everything flat, the overarching story is… kind of dumb. In fact, even if it had taken me an hour or two to figure out what was happening, I suspect my reaction might have been more along the lines of “oh, fuck off” than “wow.” And I’m not a fan of the acting, even if it’s not nearly as bad or off-key as it seems in the trailer.

Still, some scenes are quite entertaining, the game’s cheap, and you probably won’t be as unlucky, nor as critical of the story, as I was.

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